Friday 31 October 2014

Make Mission Style Crown Molding

Mission style emphasizes strong straight lines.

Crown molding can create a dramatic new look for a room by adding trim that draws the eye upward toward the ceiling. Mission-style molding, also known as arts and crafts style, is simple and bold, emphasizing straight lines and geometric shapes. The best way to accent this simple style is to highlight the wood grain and to use a natural finish rather than paint once the crown molding is installed. But because this means your mistakes will be more visible, you'll need to make precise cuts and measurements when you install the molding. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Select molding that suggests a Mission style. Simple straight-cut pieces of wood will work best for a Mission style. Don't worry about making fancy cuts or angled edges. Simply join straight edges together at the corners.

2. Measure the width of each wall along the ceiling. Scan the walls and the ceiling with a stud finder and mark the studs and joists where you can nail the moldings. Never nail molding to the drywall. Make a second set of marks a few inches down from initial markings so you can still identify each site while installing a strip of molding.

3. Finish the crown molding with seal, stain and varnish before installing. Let dry before you begin installation.

4. Determine where you'll start and how you'll fit your molding together. You need to figure this out before you begin installation so you can make the necessary cuts for the molding pieces to join snugly at the corners.

5. Begin nailing the molding in place, nailing only where you've made your marks. Don't drive the nails all the way in yet. If you are running molding along a long wall and need to join two pieces together, create a scarf joint by overlapping the ends first then marking the precise length to cut to ensure a perfect fit.

6. Drive nails in fully and countersink them once all the molding is in place and snugly fitted. Use wood filler for nail holes and any small gaps at the corners.

Tags: before begin, before begin installation, begin installation, Mission style, molding place, straight lines