Sunday 2 November 2014

What Is Japanese Yew Tree Wood Used For

Japanese yews are often called "upright" yews in the United States.

Japanese yew, or Taxus cuspidata, is an native Asian evergreen valued for its hard wood and in traditional medicinal use. The heartwood of the 50 to 60-foot tree also contains a red dye used in wood finishes. Does this Spark an idea?


Although the Japanese yew has smaller and spreading cultivars used in the West as ornamental shrubs, the tall tree known as ichii in Japan is one of the traditional building materials in Japan and China. In addition to foundations, beams and cabinetry, its dense hardwood is used as piles for piers.


Taxus cuspidata has been heavily harvested in Asia and has been replaced by other materials in bathtubs, pails and water tanks. It is still, however, used for furniture, bowls and chopsticks. Its hardwood also makes sturdy traditional clogs, still worn by rural Japanese.


Because of its rarity, Japanese yew wood is primarily used for arts and crafts. It is a favorite wood in Buddhist sculpture and other carving. It is also used for decorative plates and dishes.

Tags: Taxus cuspidata