Thursday 2 October 2014

Make A Homemade Crib

Take pride in building your baby's crib.

Cribs, available in an array of styles and colors, are the focal point of a baby's nursery. Store-bought ones are a convenient way to provide a bed, but they have several drawbacks, especially if you want an original design. Building your own wooden crib allows you to craft a personalized bed. A well-made crib is a treasured family heirloom that lasts through generations. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Peel away rough bark with a draw knife if you're using raw wood or logs to build the crib. Sand down remaining rough patches with fine-grain sandpaper.

2. Cut the logs or long wood boards using a hand saw into four posts measuring 5 inches in diameter and 4 1/2 feet long and four side rails, each 3 1/2 inches in diameter and 5 1/2 feet long.

3. Use the hand saw to cut four branches or short wood boards into 40-inch, 3 1/2-inch diameter end rails. Cut 14 into 30-inch, 1 1/2-inch diameter end rungs and 30 into 24-inch, 1 1/2-inch side rungs.

4. Draw a 2-inch circle on the center of each rail with a marker. This marks the tenon size. Draw another circle 7 1/4 inches from the end of each rail to mark the tenon length.

5. Use a chainsaw to cut each rail along the tenon length. If you are using thick logs, rotate them to shave them down to a 2-inch diameter. After shaving, sand each rail until smooth.

6. Mark hole centers at 14 inches and 38 inches on each post. Use a drill and a 2 1/8-inch self-feed bit to drill a hole at each mark. Rotate the posts 90 degrees. Mark and drill hole centers at 10 1/2 inches and 41 1/2 inches.

7. Assemble the posts and rails into a rectangle. Place the crib mattress in the center to ensure it fits. If it doesn't, shave the wood down a bit more.

8. Lay each rung vertically, 3 1/4 inches apart, across the crib frame. Mark their position by running a strip of masking tape across the top and bottom horizontal rails once you position the rungs correctly.

9. Remove the masking tape and use a 1 1/4-inch drill bit to drill holes for the rungs.

10. Slide a rung into each hole. Apply carpenter's glue to the top and bottom of each rung. Allow the glue to dry for 24 hours.

11. Use a 5/8-inch drill bit to drill a hole straight down through each tenon. Slide one 6-inch tapered dowel through each hole.

12. Apply non-toxic polyurethane stain to seal and protect the wood. This allows raw wood to keep its natural appearance. Use non-toxic paint if you want to give the crib color. Place the mattress in the crib after the paint or stain dries.

Tags: each rail, 2-inch diameter, drill hole, centers inches, centers inches inches, diameter feet, diameter feet long