Friday 24 October 2014

Recover A Chair

You picked up that old but beautiful chair at a garage sale and brought it home, only to realize that the fabric isn't as beautiful in your home as it was at the garage sale. Obviously you can't take it back, but you can recover it. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Use a screwdriver to remove the old fabric from your chair. Pay attention to the way that the chair is put together so you can replicate it when you put it back together. Also, be careful not to ruin the fabric because you will use it for a pattern.

2. Pin the old upholstery pieces to your new fabric like a pattern, and cut the new pieces. You can cut the new pieces larger than the older pieces, but don't cut them smaller or you might run out of fabric. Follow the pattern and lay your new pieces of fabric accordingly.

3. Set up your work temporarily by putting a few large tacks in the middle of the front piece and tacking it to the chair. Don't worry about pulling it tight; that comes later.

4. Cut a V shape in the fabric wherever it goes around the chair frame. You can use the fabric that you removed from the chair as a guide to determine how deep or frequent these cuts must be. Otherwise, cut them deep enough to keep the fabric from binding or puckering but shallow enough that you don't see them when you sit on the chair.

5. Pull the fabric taut and staple it to the back of the chair frame, smoothing out the fabric as you go. Be careful around the corners and the chair legs.

6. Repeat Steps 4 and 5 until all the front pieces are on the chair.

7. Sew the back piece to the chair, and then sit back and enjoy your re-covered chair.

Tags: chair frame, fabric from, garage sale