Friday 24 October 2014

Make Pressed Flower Translucent Lamp

You have been window shopping and you have gone into trendy boutiques and seen translucent lamps. These lamps are expensive, yet they would look great sitting in you living room. When your friends enter your home and see these beautiful lamps, they are going to think you hit the lottery. Here is make a hand made pressed Flower Translucent Lamp Does this Spark an idea?


1. Temporarily wrap the paper around the form of the lamp and turn on the light. Check to make sure that the light shines through. Remove your paper and take out your ruler and pencil.

2. Measure the size of the lamp that you are using. Write down the length and width of the lamp. Take your translucent paper, mark the measurements on the paper and cut two sheets the same size.

3. Lay the two translucent pieces of paper flat. Set one sheet aside. On the other sheet of the translucent paper place the dried flowers for your personal design. Use the decoupage medium to glue your flowers in place.

4. Pick up the paper that does not have the flowers glued to it. Measure one inch down from the top of the translucent paper for the first hole at the edge of the paper. You will need to make three holes in a straight line along the edge. Space the holes at least two inches apart. Place both sheets of paper together and use your hole punch to make your first three holes. After you have made your three holes on the right side of the paper, repeat the procedure for the left side. When you hold the translucent paper in a cylinder manner the holes on both sides of the paper should overlap each other.

5. Put the two sheets together with the pressed flower layer on the inside. Slip the paper onto the lamp form. Place the holes for the bookbinder's screws at the back post of the lamp form.

6. Insert the screws at the marked spots and screw closed.

Tags: translucent paper, three holes, Flower Translucent, Flower Translucent Lamp, lamp form