Friday 31 October 2014

Survive Fallout 3

Survive Fallout 3

Simply getting by in the harsh post-apocalyptic dystopia that is Fallout 3 is a challenge. You've got raiders, giant animals, killer mutants and the ever-present threat of radiation to contend with. Plus your father is missing. Before you go adventuring into the wastes of Washington D.C., there are some things you should know.


1. Be careful what you eat. While food and drink are a primary source of health (and tend to be cheaper than Stimpacks) they give you a small amount of Radiation each time you eat them. This can be helpful for a certain quest you find in Megaton (speak to Moira in Craterside Supplies) but apart from that, too much Radiation is very dangerous.

2. Watch your Rads. Consuming too much radioactive materials will have adverse effects on your character. 200 Rads will activate Radiation Poisoning. More than 500 Rads will produce Advanced Radiation Poisoning. Both carry some negative modifiers to your character's stats. 1,000 Rads will kill your character. Note that Radiation levels can be mitigated with Rad-X pills and Rad-Away. Rad-X increases your resistance to radiation for a short time while Rad-Away brings your Radiation level down. You can reduce your Radiation level by paying a doctor to get rid of it.

3. Watch your carrying capacity. Your character can only carry so much stuff, which is determined by your Strength stat. Your Maximum Weight is indicated on your Pip Boy. Most items you carry (except really small ones) have a Weight value (WG). If you exceed your Maximum Weight, you will become Overburdened. This is detrimental. It prevents you from moving quickly and it also prevents you from rapid-traveling. Both are essential to getting out of dangerous situations quickly.

4. Always keep a weapon handy. While some situations can be resolved peacefully, there are some critters out in the wastes that simply cannot be reasoned with. When it comes down to it, there's nothing better than a good weapon at your side. Never, ever venture into the wastes without weapons. Always make sure to keep at least one firearm and one melee weapon on you at all times. Even though your gun may be good, ammunition is always scarce. When it runs out, you may not have another gun to fall back on.

5. Use the VATS: Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System (default buttons will vary). This feature pauses the battle and allows you to auto-target specific body parts on your enemies. This is extra-handy for scoring headshots and generally hitting things if you're not very good at shooter games. Note that shooting in VATS mode only allows you one shot or burst; you can't empty a magazine at an enemy like you can in normal shooting mode. However, you can keep using VATS repeatedly to increase your number of accurate shots.

6. Stay down. Cover may not always be available, but the best cover is not being seen. Crouching dramatically reduces the chance of you being detected by an enemy. Remember, the best way to attack an enemy is without them knowing. Stay out of lights, move slowly and stay low when you are sneaking up on an enemy.

Tags: Rads will, your character, into wastes, Maximum Weight, Note that, prevents from