Monday 2 November 2015

Twitter Updater Vs A Twitter Feed

Twitter is a popular website that lets users sign up and post short "Tweets" containing 140 characters or less. But Twitter is much more than just a website, because the format it uses allows for third-party developers to make software that helps Twitter users perform certain tasks, such as updating their Twitter feed.


RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It's an easy way for people who follow blogs to find out when there is a new article. Twitter also uses RSS feeds. Each person's Twitter stream has an RSS feed you could subscribe to. But Twitter itself is a kind of RSS reader, because it allows you to pick the Twitter users you want to follow and then you see their Tweets.

Twitter Feed

A Twitter feed is the RSS feed associated with a specific person's Twitter account. One way to use this is to make a widget that collects the updates from a specific Twitter feed and put it on a website or blog. Specifically, you can make a widget that shows your Twitter posts on your own blog. You could also make several widgets that show different people's Twitter feeds, such as several officers from the same company, several personalities from a radio or TV station, the different members of a band, or any individuals you choose.

Twitter Updater

A Twitter updater is a program that sends posts to Twitter, to save you from having to go to Twitter and type in a post. Some Twitter updaters send updates to Twitter, Facebook and other social networking websites at the same time, to save you from having to send the same message over several websites. Others let you schedule Tweets ahead of time, so it can look like you're Tweeting when you're really doing something else. This might be useful if you are running a contest or some marketing event or if you want some Tweets to go out while you're on vacation. Other Twitter updates will automatically send out a Tweet to publicize a new post on your blog. Another difference is what platform the Twitter updater runs on; you can get Twitter updates that run in your browser, from your computer desktop or from your smart phone, giving you more options for how you update your Twitter feed.

Twitter Updater, Twitter Feed Differences

A Twitter updater can be used to update your Twitter feed. Your Twitter updater is a program, or an app. A Twitter feed is a special kind of RSS feed, which can be followed using software designed for that purpose. Some programs that let you follow Twitter feeds also let you post updates, and may have some of the special updating features mentioned in Section 3.

Tags: Twitter feed, Twitter Updater Twitter, Updater Twitter, your Twitter, from having