Monday 9 November 2015

Kill Black Ants In Flower Beds

Black ants do not usually harm flowers.

Black ants generally do not harm flowers or other plants living in flower beds. However, large numbers of ants can be unsightly and noisome. Ants belong to colonies and those that appear in plain view are generally worker ants. Queen ants and larvae reside inside ant hills, which are usually located in undisturbed areas outside of gardens. Black ants can be exterminated from flower beds by using a poisonous food bait that worker ants carry to the nest and share with others. According to the University of Kentucky, food bait is the most effective method of eradicating black ants from yards, gardens and homes. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Purchase ant bait containing pesticide. Most commercially available ant baits contain the pesticide thiamethoxam, which is very effective in killing black ants when they ingest it. Thiamethoxam should not be handled directly by humans or pets. Ant bait is available in granule form, prefabricated ant traps and in liquid form. Granular and liquid ant bait must not be used if children, pets or other animals may have access to the flower bed.

2. Place the ant bait on the outside edges of the flower garden. If the garden is larger than 20 feet by 20 feet, place ant bait in the center of the garden as well. Most ants will not nest inside a flower garden because they prefer undisturbed areas, so placing ant bait outside the garden is generally more effective than placing it inside.

3. Place bait just outside of ant hills if you can find them.

Examine the ant bait locations after two to three hours. If you do not see black ants taking the bait, move your bait to a new location. Most black ants will find and begin exploiting a food source within two hours if it is in the right location. If you can find ant hills, place the ant bait directly outside the ant hill to make it easy for ants to find.

4. Re-examine your ant bait locations after two hours if you have moved the bait. You should see a steady stream of ants taking the bait back to their ant hills. If no ants are present, place the ant bait directly in the garden at the last known location of ants. Recheck the bait in two hours. If no ants are present, leave the bait overnight and monitor it the next morning for the presence of ants.

Tags: place bait, ants present, ants taking, ants taking bait, ants will