Monday 16 November 2015

Make Easy Money In Club Penguin

Some games in Club Penguin require a lot of effort with very little pay out. So how are you supposed to earn lots of coins without spending all your time playing games? The answer is to play the games that help you make easy money by awarding you with lots of coins.


1. Pick games that give you the most payout. Once you learn which games give a high payout, find hints and tricks for making the most money.

2. Play "Puffle Round Up" in the Pet Shop for easy money. The key is to work as quickly as possible, since your coins are calculated by the number of puffles you catch times the amount left on the timer. Herd all the puffles together before attempting to put them in the pen, paying special attention to the purple, black and red puffles, which are the fastest.

3. Make pizza and earn a lot of coins with the "Pizzatron 3000." This games takes some practice, but once you get the hang of it there is not an easier way to make money on Club Penguin. A perfect game nets 1,085 coins, so if you can play ten perfect games in an hour, you'd have over 10,000 coins.

4. Flip and spin your heart out when playing "Cart Surfer" for extra points. The key is to not do a trick twice in a row. You get more points when each trick is different, and only half points for duplicate tricks. "Cart Surfer" is one of the best places for easy money because points and coins add up quickly and easily.

5. Go fishing and earn up to 500 coins in a game that requires hardly any skill. "Ice Fishing" awards four coins for each fish caught, so the faster you catch fish the more coins you earn. If you catch the big fish at the end, you get 100 extra coins. Since the game only takes about 5 minutes to play, you can earn thousands of coins in 1 hour.

Tags: Club Penguin, Cart Surfer, catch fish, earn coins, easy money, games that, lots coins