Tuesday 2 June 2015

Kill King Pepe


MapleStory" is a free, online fantasy game. King Pepe is one of the bosses that players can kill. What makes this boss so unique is that you must target your party's attacks on the Yetis that Pepe rides about on to defeat him. These Yetis features a great number of hit points, but they are not the most fearsome of creatures when it comes to their attacks. With a party of five players, you will be able to finish off any Yeti threat in no time at all.


1. Go to Henesys on Victoria Island. Go into the portal on Hidden Street: Empty House. Go to the East Castle Tower of Mushroom Castle and go through Channel 1.

2. Head to the tower's top and press the "Up" key on your keyboard to enter the Portal you will find there.

3. Attack the Yeti that King Pepe is on until it is killed.

4. Go through the Portal situated to the left in King Pepe's room. You will be teleported back to the top of the tower. Go through the portal again.

5. Defeat the second Yeti and again exit via the same Portal. Go back through the tower-top Portal and defeat the third Yeti to defeat King Pepe.

Tags: King Pepe