Monday 9 February 2015

The Differences Between Search On Twitter & Twitter Api

Twitter search results can inform users of all ages.

Some Internet users may not know about the powerful search features found on the Twitter search engine page. Others may be confused about the difference between this search and the search that Twitter's API provides. This API, short for Application Programmers Interface, helps third-party developers create new applications that consume Twitter data over the Internet. If you are a software developer, you may wish to develop your own Twitter app once you learn about the Twitter search API.

Twitter Search

Visit the Twitter search page, type in a query and discover a new world of search results that live outside of the major search engines. Because the Twitter search engine searches current tweets, you get real-time information created by Twitter users from across the world. Whenever a groundbreaking event such as a natural disaster occurs, simply search for the topic and you will probably see relevant search results that are only a few minutes old.

Viewing and Managing Search Results

When you perform a Twitter search, you to get back results similar to those seen when you search Google or Bing. Each result contains a comment made by a twitter user along with the user's profile photo if they have one. The results may also contain informative links to relevant information that may help you discover more about your search topic. The Advanced search page lets you refine your search by limiting results to a particular person, place, are subject. One benefit of being a registered Twitter user is your ability to save up to 25 searches and recall them as needed. This Twitter search used by Internet surfers is not the same as the API that developers use to search Twitter.


Google, Bing, Flickr and other online sites have APIs.You can write programming code in a variety of languages that communicates with services that these sites provide. Twitter has an API that allows anyone to access its data. Twitter provides the API for free along with helpful documentation and code samples you can use to develop Twitter applications that search Twitter. You can even use the Twitter API to create search widgets that you can distribute and place on websites. You don't need special network access to search Twitter data because Twitter communicates using the same HTTP protocol used by Web servers across the Internet.

Twitter API Search

The API that handles Twitter searches came from a company named Summize. This company developed the original Twitter search functionality. Twitter acquired Summize and still uses its technology. Multiple components make up the twitter API. Two of them use REST technology to access major twitter functions. These REST APIs can perform search tasks such as returning tweets made by a particular user or even retrieving a user's profile image. If you use a Twitter search API, read the companies documentation and rules carefully. Developers have rate limits that limit the number of requests you can make within a given time period. Exceed your limit, and Twitter may blacklist your IP address and prevent your application from searching Twitter.

Tags: Twitter search, search Twitter, along with, applications that, Google Bing, results that