Wednesday 21 January 2015

Obtain A Tax Id Number In Santa Barbara County California

If you are starting a business in Santa Barbara County, you business needs to obtain a tax ID number, otherwise knows as an Employer Identification Number (EIN). The EIN is a nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that is used to identify the tax accounts of certain types of businesses. In most cases, you can instantly obtain an EIN number for your Santa Barbara County business by using the online IRS application.


1. Open a web browser on your computer and go to the online IRS EIN application (see Resources).

2. Click the "Apply Now" button.

3. Enter the requested information about the name of the business, the business address, the name of the responsible party, the organizational structure of the business, the type of the business and the reason the business is requesting an EIN number.

4. Submit the information and verify that the information you entered is correct. The IRS will instantly process the application and issue you an online certificate with the new EIN number for your business. If there was a problem with your application, the IRS willnotify you of any additional information that is needed.

Tags: Barbara County, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara County, Barbara County business, County business