Thursday, 10 December 2015

What Is Sgp On Twitter

Twitter's 140-character message limit lends itself to using abbreviations and acronyms wherever possible. Sometimes it can be hard to tell what certain abbreviations stand for, such as SGP. Most Twitter messages that include "SGP" or "#SGP" refer to the group "Smart Girl Politics."

Smart Girl Politics

Smart Girl Politics is a nonprofit organization composed of American women who subscribe to conservative political beliefs. Stacy Mott and Teri Christoph founded the group in 2008. Its mission statement is to "engage, educate and empower" conservative women. As of March 2011, Smart Girl Politics has more than 40,000 members.

Use of #SGP Hashtag

Many Twitter users incorporate hashtags --- words or abbreviations prepended with a pound (#) sign --- to help categorize or provide context for a particular tweet. In the case of the #SGP hashtag, members of Smart Girl Politics or anyone else interested in conservative politics can include #SGP in their tweets to send a signal to other members, to clarify the political beliefs behind their messages and/or to easily track conversations related to conservative political issues.

Tracking #SGP Tweets

Find tweets containing #SGP or SGP by searching for "SGP" via the Twitter Search engine. Search results include tweets from the past few days; new messages appear at the top of the search page approximately once every minute. Searching for #SGP tweets can help you find other like-minded users to follow or conversations in which to participate. If you want to log Smart Girl Politics tweets for future reference, you can use a Twitter tracking service such as Row Feeder or Twapper Keeper (see Resources).

Related Hashtags

Searching Twitter for #SGP tweets shows that many conservative and Libertarian users incorporate multiple related hashtags in addition to #SGP in each message. Common related keywords include #TCOT (Top Conservatives on Twitter), #TLOT (Top Libertarians on Twitter), #teaparty (short for the Tea Party Movement), #ICON (Independent Conservatives) and #HHRS (Hugh Hewitt Radio Show).

Tags: Girl Politics, Smart Girl, Smart Girl Politics, conservative political, Girl Politics Smart