Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Make Your Parakeet Be Quiet At Night

Purchasing two birds can result in double the noise.

Many people enjoy parakeets for their colorful appearance and song. However, if your pet companion prefers to show off his singing talent during the night, it may affect your sleep. To correct this behavior or prevent it from happening, adjust your parakeet's sleep schedule so that it matches yours.


1. Create a calm environment in the room that houses your parakeet. Avoid loud noises, play soft radio music and dim the lights before bedtime. According to the NetPets website, this helps your feathery friend to relax.

2. Provide a comfortable room temperature for your pet bird. Turn off any fans or air conditioners, and avoid placing your parakeet in drafty areas of the house. If the room's temperature is pleasant to you, it will be pleasant to your parakeet.

3. Cover your bird's cage with a cloth or commercial birdcage cover before going to bed. According to the Tri-State Budgerigar Society, covering the cage keeps the bird silent for a longer time in the morning.

4. Remove the birdcage cover in the morning to indicate to your bird that it's time to wake up.

Tags: your bird, birdcage cover, room temperature, your parakeet, your parakeet