Writing a strong thesis statement can be easier after creating a conceptual framework.
An educational thesis paper will answer a research question asked by the writer in the paper. A thesis is a statement discussing what the paper will be about. This statement should be strong and succinct, providing the reader with a clear picture. Writing a thesis paper can be made easier by creating a conceptual framework. Conceptual frameworks are visual diagrams about what will be discussed in an educational thesis paper.
A conceptual framework is a graphic diagram of a research topic or thesis. The conceptual framework is basically a visual representation of the research topic. The conceptual framework discusses the thesis or hypothesis stated in the paper, expands on literature pertinent to the topic and offers a synopsis of the research paper's main points. A conceptual framework assists to structure a research paper and expand, clarify and discuss the subject fully.
Thesis Statements
A thesis statement is one or two sentences in a paper that contains the focus of the paper and discusses what the paper will be about. All academic and research papers must contain a thesis statement. The thesis statement will often expound upon a research question that will be answered in the paper.
Develop a Conceptual Framework
To create a conceptual framework the writer must develop research questions, examine the key variables in regards to those research questions, create a graphic diagram of the question examined, graphically describe the key elements involved, depict current research associated with questions and show relationships between all variables.
Conceptual Framework and Educational Thesis Paper
It is important to focus on one topic or one question that will be addressed. For example, if a student's research interests lie in special education they may choose a thesis related to special education. A strong thesis statement regarding special education is important because all research conducted will be related to that statement. After the statement is formulated a conceptual framework will assist the writer in visually representing elements needed in the paper, along with clarifying subject matter to be addressed.
Benefits of Conceptual Framework
Creating a conceptual framework can assist the thesis writer in creating an outline and agenda for the dissertation. A conceptual framework assists the thesis writer in forming her hypothetical question, finding research relevant to the question, answering the questions and forming a conclusion about the hypothesis based on the research presented.
Tags: thesis statement, conceptual framework, paper will, special education, thesis paper, conceptual framework, Conceptual Framework