Friday, 18 December 2015

Plan A Summer Vacation At The Ymca

The perfect family vacation can have a less than perfect price tag when theme parks and hotel stays are involved. Reasonably priced YMCA vacation parks and lodging are the solution--especially if you love the great outdoors. Your children can have the time of their lives exploring our nation's natural treasures.


1. Investigate local possibilities. Check with your nearest YMCA location to see whether there is a retreat, camping site or vacation park within driving distance. Or go online and click on "Find YMCA Camps" and search by name or state. This may be the easiest, most cost-efficient plan.

2. Consider the most popular YMCA vacation parks if staying nearby doesn't appeal to your family. The Estes Park in the Colorado Rocky Mountains is a premier vacation destination because of its amazing natural scenery and recreational activities like tubing, horseback riding and hiking. The YMCA Trout Lodge in Missouri's Ozark Mountains is another top vacation site. Check TripAdvisor for suggestions, also.

3. Narrow your choices further by discussing with your family locations they'd like to explore. Once you've chosen a location, contact the nearest YMCA to see if there is a retreat or lodging center nearby. If you've always longed to see Southern California, check out San Diego's camp site in La Jolla.

4. Contact the YMCA vacation park directly to book your stay, or use a travel agent. Try to make reservations as soon as you can, especially at sought-after destinations like Estes Park.

5. Ask the program director at the YMCA vacation park what items you should pack to ensure a stress-free vacation. Most lodging sites supply nearly everything you'd expect at a typical motel, but if you're camping, ask what supplies you'll need. Also pin down whether supermarkets or restaurants are nearby.

6. Read up on the leisure activities at your YMCA vacation park before you leave. The website often covers this topic thoroughly, and an American Automobile Association travel agency can likely offer maps and pamphlets as well.

Tags: YMCA vacation, vacation park, YMCA vacation park, Estes Park, nearest YMCA