Tuesday 18 November 2014

Make Your Own Doll House Furniture

Make Your Own Doll House Furniture

Dolls are a major part of most young girls' playtime, and a doll house with doll furniture provides a perfect fit to any setup. Buying each piece can get expensive, because the prices range from a dollar to several dollars per piece, but if you make them yourself, you not only save money but can also have fun with your child creating the pieces.


1. Lay out the designs and types of furniture for the doll house. Measure the size of the dolls so that the furniture will fit the dolls' dimensions.

2. Look at the general construction of typical furniture in your home. Most furniture pieces for a doll house will be simple boxes or rectangles glued up with a few extra pieces added for details. Sketch out a general design and dimensions you would like to use for the pieces.

3. Cut the balsa wood. Place the balsa wood on the cutting mat and line up the metal ruler against the place that will be cut. Take the exacta knife, place it against the metal ruler, and press the knife firmly down through the balsa wood until it cuts all the way through. Several strokes may be needed to cut it completely. Repeat this for each piece.

4. Use the wood glue and place a small amount of glue down the edge of the side pieces for the furniture. Then place a small line of glue down the edge of the adjoining piece. Line the two pieces together and hold down for a couple minutes to allow it to dry. Repeat this for each piece of the furniture.

5. Paint the pieces of the dollhouse furniture and allow them to dry. Additional designs and adornments can be painted if wanted.

Tags: balsa wood, doll house, each piece, Doll House, Doll House Furniture