Thursday 20 August 2015

Kill A Black Ant Nest

Carpenter ants are the most common black ants.

Your mission is to destroy the mother nest. Black ants appear along with warm weather, and the tiny black insects will build nests in your yard and home. They will scavenge the ground, finding cracks to enter your house. Unlike many other ants, they don't nest in sandy hills. Instead, they dig holes into the ground and walls. This makes eradication a bit more complicated but, like most insects, they will take bait back with them to the colony, making killing much easier than if you did it on an individual basis. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Place ant bait on the ant's trail.

2. Shake ant spray and pour it in a spray bottle. Spray any nests that you find. Spray the perimeter of your home if you have a problem there.

3. Find any old wood around your property. Put the spray or bait on the wood or peel the wood back and then apply the poison. Black ants often dig holes in wood to nest.

4. Drench the nest with boiling water.

5. Pour sugar in a location around your home if you can't find the nest. Wait for an ant to grab a piece and take it back to the colony's nest. Follow it and apply poison or hot water to the nest.

Tags: apply poison, around your, your home