Friday 3 July 2015

Run A Bot In "Second Life"

A bot in Second Life can act as a greeter for a business when the owner is not online.

There are many reasons to want a bot in "Second Life." Bots can be used for camping, greeting, or simply increasing traffic to make a destination in the virtual world appear popular. Bots can answer questions for a business while the owner is not online. An easy way to set up a bot is through Thoy's SL Bot service. While it is not free, it has many features that make it worth the money.


1. Create an alternate avatar from Second Life's login screen. This will be your bot. Name it something appropriate for the task it is to perform. Alter the avatar's appearance as desired.

2. Log out with the bot and log in to the primary avatar you use. Send some Lindens to your new alternate avatar by looking it up in the member directory and choosing to send it something. The bot will need at least 2,000 Lindens. The money has to be transferred to the alternate this way because you cannot register the same credit card to two characters.

3. Log off the main avatar and back onto the alternate. Find a shop that sells SL bots. One such location is a shop called "3 Stars and a Sun." This shop can be located by entering its name into the Second Life client's search engine.

4. Right-click on the vendor. On the resulting menu, choose the "Register" option.

5. Input your main avatar's name when the vendor asks who the master of the bot will be. Be careful to spell it exactly right. This is critical because it tells the bot who it will be taking orders from.

6. Pay the vendor 2,000 Lindens to complete the transaction.

7. Download Thoy's SL Bot client either in-world or at the website. Install the application.

8. Run the program and enter the necessary details to access your alternate account. Use the window interface to select activities for your bot. The options allow you to tailor how your bot will react to different situations, where it will be located at, and what information it will be used to distribute. The client provides guides accessible from the help menu to navigate the many choices for your Second Life bot.

Tags: Second Life, alternate avatar, main avatar, owner online, your alternate