Friday, 25 September 2015

Solder Metal On Glasses

Glasses repair is a useful skill.

Soldering metal onto your glasses can be an inexpensive fix for broken frames or detached or broken hinges. It also requires enough materials that it may be cheaper to take it to your glasses distributor for repair if it's a one-time fix. But if you tend to break your glasses often, learning to do the repairs yourself may well be worth the time and effort.


1. Remove the lenses from the glasses if possible to avoid damaging them and then wipe the frames clean with a damp cloth. Clean as thoroughly as possible, as dirt or oil from your fingers can keep the solder from setting effectively.

2. Squeeze a small amount of soldering flux to the area you want to solder to prepare the metal, as well to the piece of solder.

3. Clamp the broken portion of the glasses together firmly with small, preferably rubber-tipped clamps. The area must remain completely still while you solder it to maintain a clean and less breakable line.

4. Turn on the small butane torch on low and heat the broken area. After applying heat for several seconds, press the end of the solder onto the area. It should melt immediately and fill the broken area. If it doesn't, apply more heat with the torch. Allow the solder to cool completely, which will take 10 to 60 minutes, depending on the amount of solder used.

5. Use the metal file to gently file the soldered area completely smooth if necessary. Unclamp the glasses and test the area's strength before putting the lenses back.

Tags: your glasses, broken area