Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Make Curtain Rods

A curtain rod in the window department of a home improvement store can cost as much as $50. Make one yourself for $10 or less. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Measure the width of the windows you plan to make a curtain rod for. Generally, you want the rod to extend a few inches on either side.

2. Go to the curtain department at your home improvement store to get an idea of what parts you need to buy for your curtain rod. You'll need a rod, two finials (ornaments for the ends of the rod) and two or three hooks.

3. Walk to the lumber department of the same store and choose an unfinished dowel to use as your curtain rod. Be sure it's of the right diameter to support the curtain rings you'll be using and of the right length for your window. You can always saw the dowel to size when you get home.

4. Find the cabinet/drawer department and choose two drawer knobs that might look good as finials when screwed onto each end of the rod. Be imaginative - think how they might match the room they will be used in.

5. Choose two or three large kitchen hooks or coat hooks to use as curtain rod holders. Measure them to be sure that the curtain rod will fit inside the hooks.

6. Cut the dowel to size if you need to, sand it and paint it with any leftover paint you have stored away.

7. Screw your large hooks into the wall over the window.

8. Thread your curtain rings over the dowel before screwing in the knobs at each end.

9. Hang your curtains.

Tags: your curtain, curtain rings, dowel size, home improvement, home improvement store