"Metal Gear
Solid," released by Konami on October 21, 1998, has become a massively popular video game, bringing the idea of "sneaking" in games to the mainstream. The game focuses on the spy Solid Snake and his attempts to stop a well-trained group of terrorists. There are several moments in the game in which the player give himself an edge by cheating or taking advantage of in-game glitches.
Wolf-proof Cardboard Box
When you are in the cave with Meryl, hit her and then quickly equip and get inside your cardboard box. Meryl will send a wolf to attack you, but instead of attacking you, the wolf will urinate on the box. From that point on, no wolves will attack you if you are using the box.
Defeat Psycho Mantis
When the battle with Psycho Mantis begins, unplug your controller from the Playstation's first controller port and connect it to the second controller port. This will prevent Psycho Mantis from predicting your attacks.
Easily Cross Minefields
If you wish to cross a minefield without getting hurt, hold the 'x' button until Snake is lying on the ground, then crawl across the minefield. In addition to not setting off mines, you will collect any mines that you crawl over.
Making the Ninja Free You From Captivity
After you are captured and tortured, you will be in a prison cell. After the guard goes to the bathroom three times, the ninja will come and free you.
Angry Mei Ling Glitch
If you talk to Mei Ling 5-8 times and do not save your game, Mei Ling will become angry and refuse to talk to you.
Ghost Picture of Hideo Kojima
If you use your camera to take a picture of one of the orange robots in Otacon's office, load the picture and look at it again to see a ghostly image of the game's director, Hideo Kojima.
Game Save Locations
Several game save locations for "Metal Gear Solid" can be found in the References section.
Tags: Gear Solid, Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid, Psycho Mantis, controller port, Hideo Kojima