Friday, 18 September 2015

Kill Black Ants In The Yard

Pesty black ants always return to their food source.

There are two types of black ants: little black ants, which is the name they're really called, and carpenter ants. Black ants in your yard are annoying and can eventually lead to black ants in your home. Get rid of black ants in your yard by following a few simple procedures. Once you've rid your yard of black ants, you'll be free to enjoy the outdoors without these pests. Does this Spark an idea?


1. A wheelbarrow helps move heavy items.

Remove old wood piles from your yard or piles of anything else that may provide a home to black ants. Place heavy items in a wheelbarrow for easier removal. Dispose of items no longer needed or store them in your garage, basement or an airtight container.

2. Use caulk to fill in crevices.

Check around the foundation of your home and garage for any cracks or crevices that might provide an entry way for black ants. Fill the cracks and crevices with caulk, following the directions on the caulk applicator.

3. Sprinkle cornmeal liberally around all anthills or any other locations where you've seen black ants congregating. They will eat the cornmeal, which swells up inside them and kills them.

4. Fill a spray bottle with white vinegar.

5. A spray bottle makes for easy application of vinegar spray.

Use your vinegar spray on areas where you've seen ants traveling or carrying food. Black ants leave a scent trail, which they will repeatedly follow back to their food source. The smell of vinegar will deter them from following their trail

Tags: black ants, your yard, ants your, vinegar spray, ants your yard, Black ants