Monday 20 April 2015

Write A Citizen'S Group Mission Statement

A citizen's group is usually convened with a clear goal in mind, but creating a mission statement might not be so clear-cut. Many times, the mission statement has more to do with how the group wants to be perceived in local political circles. The mission statement of the group is a decision that needs to be made based on what will advance the group's goals and make the group appeal to its community.


1. Get a person to be responsible for crafting the mission statement. Many groups might elect a committee to do this kind of job.

2. Consider the goals of the group. Focus on what the positive aspects are: look for ways to introduce how the group will help the community in some way.

3. Look for ways to show how the group will benefit the community at large. Put these ideas way up front in the mission statement ideas.

4. Appeal to the interests of the local population and officials in planning and law enforcement. If there is a local problem that needs to be addressed, include it in your draft of the mission statement.

5. Write a number of drafts. The committee can then vote or put the drafts to a general vote to determine which one is best.

Tags: mission statement, group will, that needs