Friday 13 March 2015

Stop The Wedding On "Maplestory"

"MapleStory" is an online roleplaying game in which players undertake quests and slay monsters. The game features weekly updates and events. Players may encounter the mission "Stop the Wedding," in which the Mushking is eager to prevent the marriage of his daughter, Princess Violetta, from reaching fruition. Completing this quest opens up the opportunity to complete the quest, "King Pepe's Scroll." Players must enlist the assistance of other players to complete this mission. Only players between levels 30 and 38 will be able to undertake this mission.


1. Finish the three "Over the Castle Walls" quests. This must be done before you can access the "Stop the Wedding" quest.

2. Travel to the Mushroom Castle on Victoria Island. You will find Mushking within the castle's Mushroom Forest Field. Speak to Mushking to access the "Stop the Wedding" quest.

3. Travel to the Entrance to Wedding Hall, located within Mushroom Castle. You will encounter King Pepe on either the gray or the gold yeti in this location. He is at level 35 and it is not weak against magic. Defeat the yeti and King Pepe and leave the Entrance to Wedding Hall.

4. Reenter Entrance to Wedding Hall until you encounter either the gray or gold yeti. If you defeated the Gray Yeti in step 3, you will want to reenter until you find the Gold Yeti. Leave and reenter the Entrance to Wedding Hall until you find the desired yeti color. Defeat King Pepe and his yeti.

5. Move to the Wedding Hall or the Dead End within Mushroom Castle to encounter the White Yeti and King Pepe. This version of King Pepe has 120,000 hit points and it is not weak against magic. Larger parties may be necessary to defeat it. While in the Wedding Hall, speak to the Mushking's daughter, Violetta.

6. Attack the Prime Minister, a mushroom enemy summoned by King Pepe. It has about 12,500 hit points. After the Prime Minister is defeated, speak to Violetta again.

7. Return to the Mushroom Forest Field in Mushroom Castle and speak to Mushking to complete the quest.

Tags: King Pepe, Wedding Hall, Entrance Wedding, Entrance Wedding Hall, Mushroom Castle