Tuesday 31 March 2015

Use A Box Blade

Working in a supermarket can sometimes be tedious, but if you're going to do something, you should do it right. You could tear all of the boxes on your pallet jack open with your hands, but that would make the store's aisles look messy. Using a box blade to cut cardboard allows you to get a smooth edge. Even if you're not putting out groceries, any large paper or cardboard projects will go easier if you use a box blade according to these tips.


1. Examine the box blade to make sure it's functioning correctly. While it's not a complicated tool, it does take a lot of abuse. Make sure that the blade slides in and out of the sleeve easily, but not so freely that the blade won't stay in the position you want. Double check to make sure the blade doesn't extend past the handle when it's closed.

2. Replace the razor blade inside the handle whenever the blade is too dull. Trying to cut boxes with a dull blade will prevent you from getting the crisp lines you want. It will also take much longer for you to get through the cardboard. It's probably not a good idea to sharpen blades instead of replacing them. Not only are razor blades cheap, but it can be dangerous to try and sharpen blades that are designed to be thrown away.

3. Practice safety each time you use the box blade. Always push the blade away from your other hand. Don't cut a box unless it's in a comfortable place in front of you; cutting off-balance reduces the amount of control you have over the blade. Plan each cut before you make it.

4. Follow all directions printed on boxes when you cut them. This will prevent you from inadvertently cutting whatever is packed inside. Even if there are no specific instructions, figure out what is inside the box, so you know how deep you can make your cuts. For more control of your cut, grip the box blade closer to the front. For more power, grip it closer to the rear. If you're going to turn a packed box into a display, consider each of your cuts ahead of time.

5. Consider the aesthetics of your presentation. If you have extra time, cut shapes into the side and rear of display boxes for a nice added touch. For extremely straight cuts, hold a metal T-square in place while you slice.

Tags: prevent from, sharpen blades, that blade, will prevent, will prevent from