Wednesday 11 March 2015

Ottoman Cover Sewing Instructions

Ottomans and footstools take a lot of wear and tear, and often become stained and unsightly---though structurally they are still quite sound and usable. Using a few materials and some basic sewing techniques, you can easily cover an unsightly ottoman or footstool. Fun trims and embellishments can help you make your ottoman or footstool a work of art you are proud to display in your home. Does this Spark an idea?

Materials You Will Need

2 to 4 yards medium-weight to heavy fabric

Matching thread



Measuring tape or yardstick

Newspaper or newsprint

Straight pins

Sewing machine

Steam iron

1 to 1 ½ yards of ¼ to ½-inch elastic

Large safety pin or diaper pin



Decorative nails


Fabric paint

Make a Pattern and Cut the Fabric

Place newsprint on your work surface. You may have to tape a few pieces together to make a large enough piece. Place the ottoman upside down on the newsprint and draw around the perimeter or the ottoman top using a pencil. Remove the ottoman and cut out the pattern for the ottoman top. Put aside.

Measure around the outside of the ottoman and add 2 inches. Write down the measurement. Measure from the top edge of the ottoman to the bottom edge. Add 3 inches to the second measurement and write it down. Measure a piece of fabric that is the length and width of these measurements. This will form the sides of the ottoman cover

Pin the pattern for the ottoman top to the wrong side of the remaining fabric and cut out the top.

Assembling the Cover

With right sides together, pin the ottoman top to the ottoman side piece. There will be an over-lap of 1 inch to sew the side seam. Sew the top to the side piece using a running stitch on the sewing machine. Pin the side seam together and sew the side seam. Turn the piece right side out. You now have a piece resembling a large bag.

Creating the Casing

Turn the raw edge under ½ inch and iron in place using the steam iron. Turn the edge over 1 inch and pin in place. Sew around the edge to create a casing leaving a 1-inch gap to thread your elastic through.

Measure the elastic to ensure a snug fit. Stretch elastic tightly around the outside of the ottoman. Cut the elastic. Open the safety or diaper pin and push the sharp end through the end of the elastic. Close the pin. Use the pin as a tool to thread the elastic through the casing. Sew the ends of the elastic together. Use the sewing machine to close the opening of the casing.

Fitting the Cover

Stretch the cover over the ottoman or footstool and pull down snugly. The elastic band will fit underneath the ottoman or footstool and hold it in place.

Tips and Options

You may want to trim your ottoman or footstool with decorative nails, fringe, lace, or may want to paint designs on the cover with fabric paint.

Covering ottomans and footstools is a great hobby. They are readily found inexpensively at garage sales, thrift and antique shops.

Tags: ottoman footstool, side seam, around outside, around outside ottoman, elastic through, outside ottoman