Monday 23 March 2015

Mexican Marriage Requirements

Couples planning to marry south of the border need to know the Mexican marriage requirements.

Destination weddings are very popular because they allow couples to plan their wedding and honeymoon at the same time to save money. Mexico is a common location for destination weddings because of the peso-dollar conversion rates, as well as the country's wide variety of natural settings, such as tropical beach paradises. Mexican weddings are also typically recognized as being legally valid in the couple's home country. While each Mexican state has different legal rules, most have similar marriage requirements.

Legal Requirements

The legal age of marriage consent in Mexico is 18. Parental consent is needed for boys at least 16 years of age and girls at least 14 years of age. Foreign citizens may marry each other in Mexico with a passport and tourist permit. Most Mexican states require the bride and groom to undergo blood tests and chest X-rays in Mexico within a certain period of time before the civil wedding. Couples must have a minimum of four witnesses at the legal ceremony, and the witnesses must have valid identification, such as passports. Couples must ensure their marriage certificate is legalized in Mexico, from the Mexican registry office, to have it recognized in their home country.

Necessary Documents

There are many legal documents required for a Mexican marriage. With the exception of the foreign passports, all documents must be translated into Spanish and be notarized by the local Mexican consulate. The required documents include full passports valid for at least six months; copies of passports; marriage application forms; travel permits, such as a tourist visa, FM3 or FM2; birth certificates; and divorce decrees and death certificates, if applicable. Mexican law states that a person must have been divorced for a minimum of one year before remarrying in Mexico.

Marrying a Mexican National

If you plan to marry a Mexican national, you must fulfill all of the aforementioned requirements as well as additional ones. The couple must receive permission to marry from the Government Secretary-Immigration Office, pay a fee and gain a marriage permit. The marriage permit must be acquired in the same jurisdiction of where the actual marriage will take place. The process can take anywhere from two days to two weeks. If you plan to marry a Mexican citizen, you'll need to fulfill all of these requirements, as well as obtain permission from the Mexican Ministry of the Interior.

Tags: must have, Couples must, from Mexican, home country, least years