Thursday 12 March 2015

Stop A Pug Puppy From Biting

Pugs are friendly, silly dogs that make great pets.

Pugs are perfect family dogs--silly, sweet and friendly to children and adults alike. They may, however, cause their owners embarrassment because of their frequent gassiness. Their funny qualities aside, pug puppies aren't immune to biting and chewing, issues common in many young dogs. Breaking them of this behavior early is important, so it does not continue into adulthood.


1. Provide your pug puppy with lots of small rubber toys to satisfy its need to chew and bite. Pugs have small mouths, so purchase toys they can wrap their jaws around. Praise them when they chew on appropriate toys, thus reinforcing good behavior.

2. Stop your pug puppy from chewing on your fingers. Pet owners may hesitate to stop this behavior because it's cute and it doesn't hurt. Allowing it to continue, however, makes your pug think it's acceptable to bite and chew on you.

3. Make a loud sound when your pug bites you. Even if it doesn't hurt, a startled, hurt sound will help the pug know you don't like biting and that it's bad. If the pug is biting an object that isn't a toy, you can use a dropped book, gong or other noisemaker to distract him and remind him that biting is bad.

4. If aversion noise therapy doesn't work, use a deterrent spray--bitter apple is popular--on items that the puppy continues biting. The displeasing taste will train him to stop biting objects.

5. Replace the negative biting object in the pug's mouth with a positive biting object, like a chew toy. Say "No!" when you take away the negative object, and then praise her when she starts playing with the toy.

Tags: biting object, doesn hurt, that biting, this behavior, your puppy